Junior Show Choir
Cost: $150 (Scholarships available - see below)
Since this experience has only a limited amount of rehearsals, it is important that participants have no previous conflicts and can attend all meetings. Of course, absences for illness and unexpected circumstances will be permitted.
Rehearsal Dates *at the Hub*
Tuesdays 3:30-4:45 starting Feb 4th and ending March 4th. However, there will be NO REHEARSAL on February 25th (MRPS School Vacation)
Rehearsal Dates are: Feb 4th, Feb 11th, Feb 18th, Mar 4th
Dress Rehearsal: Friday March 7th 4-6pm
Performance: March 8th at 6:30pm (Performers to arrive at 5:30pm)
What will I do in the musical theater show choir?
As an ensemble, we learn musical theater songs to perform as a group. Since this is musical theater, we use vocals, dance, and acting in our performances. This means we will learn to sing the songs with our music director, Michael, and we will learn dance and acting movements with our choreographer, Kianna. Participants will be asked to perform without sheet music and to rehearse on their own between rehearsals; tracks and videos will be available as resources. If a participant is interested in performing a solo, please let us know and we can give you more information. There will be opportunities to sing small solos in group numbers and possibly opportunities to prepare a short solo song to perform on March 8th if desired. No one is required to sing or dance along as a part of this experience.
If you would like your registration to be covered by a scholarship, please email us at info@mpa-hub.org and let us know what amount of the registration you would like the scholarship to cover. Please still register with the above link and choose “pay later” on the checkout screen. We will follow up with you over email.